Nothing New Project

Starting today, October 10, 2006, I will not buy anything new that I cannot make or buy used. I will do this for one complete year.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Inside Out

After a conversation with Stuart Hyatt a few months ago about clothing and his constant quest for a uniform, I agreed to make him a shirt. We hit up some thrift stores, he talked about his likes and dislikes, and I was left with a stack of shirts and the challenge to make him a favorite shirt. I ended up doing three.

To paraphrase my artist statement, I've been thinking about how fabric has a "right side" and a "wrong side" and how it's similar to how we interact with other people; we have a "right side" that we let others see and a "wrong side" that we keep hidden. In an attempt to create honest clothing, I turned the shirts inside out and exposed the seams, the insides of the pockets, and the undersides of the buttons; all the parts that are typically hidden. These shirts represent the beauty in being honest about our imperfections.

"The inside-out shirts are an honest attempt at honesty, as well as a homage to good craft."


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