Nothing New Project

Starting today, October 10, 2006, I will not buy anything new that I cannot make or buy used. I will do this for one complete year.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Welcome to Wisconsin

Saturday was spent driving across the Midwest from Cincinnati to my new home in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. It's much smaller and it gets dark much sooner and everyone has a great accent, but it's pretty much the same. I miss my friends but am excited to meet new characters (small towns tend to produce "characters").

No pictures yet as I'm still unpacking equipment and getting settled but I have exciting news to report: I have not yet gone to Wal-Mart! Or any other large corporate giant. Mallory Feltz and I had a conversation once about how when you move somewhere, upon arrival you need a handful of things and Wal-Mart is always the easiest place to acquire them. Yesterday I went to the Salvation Army, a local bakery, Trilling Hardware, Pick 'N Save, Hobby Lobby, and finally Walgreens to aqcuire necessities. I did have an unfair advantage though; since I spent two months here this summer, I knew where all these places were. The real challenge will be moving to an entirely new city and avoiding the Wal-Mart.


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